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皮膚健康在很大程度上反映了良好的整體健康。因此,皮膚的外觀受膳食補充劑(包括維生素和抗氧化劑)的消耗的影響,營養對皮膚的影響越來越受到關注。許多臨床研究表明,膳食補充劑可以改善皮膚狀況,並逆轉衰老跡象。 ( 參考

STUDY 1 -Reduces skin wrinkles


EYE WRINKLE VOLUMEAfter 8 weeks the VERISOL® group showed an average decrease in wrinkle volume of 20% and a maximum reduction of 50%! 4 weeks after the final intake, the VERISOL® group still showed a decrease in eye wrinkle volume showing the lasting effect of the product.


After 8 weeks of treatment the VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides® group showed an increased collagen content of 65%, with elastin content having increased by 18% when compared with the control group.

Oral intake of specific bioactive collagen peptides reduces skin wrinkles and increases dermal matrix synthesis.

Proksch E1, Schunck MZague VSegger DDegwert JOesser S.

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STUDY 2 - Elasticity & hydration

Oral supplementation of specific collagen peptides has beneficial effects on human skin physiology: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Proksch E1, Segger DDegwert JSchunck MZague VOesser S.


ELASTICITY: After 8 weeks the VERISOL® group showed an average 7% increase in skin elasticity. In some subjects the increase in elasticity measured up to 30%.

98% of the Bioactive Collagen Peptide® group showed improved elasticity 4 weeks after intake - suggesting a long-lasting effect.


STUDY 3 - Celluite reduction 

Dietary Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides Has a Body Mass Index-Dependent Beneficial Effect on Cellulite Morphology.

Schunck M1, Zague V2, Oesser S1, Proksch E3.


A daily dosage of 2.5g VERISOL® for 6 months had a positive impact on women affected by moderate cellulite.

  • Significant improvement in the cellulite score , about 9% reduction for women with BMI < 25 (normal weight).

  • Significant decrease in the waviness: -11% for women with BMI < 25 and -8% for women with BMI > 25.


STUDY 4 - Increased nail growth

Oral supplementation with specific bioactive collagen peptides improves nail growth and reduces symptoms of brittle nails.

Hexsel D1, Zague V2, Schunck M3, Siega C1, Camozzato FO1, Oesser S3.


Results:A daily dosage of 2.5g VERISOL® for 6 months promoted an increase of up to 15% in nail growth and a decrease of frequency of cracked nails.At the end of the study, 80% of participants agreed that the use of collagen had improved their nails’ appearance and 75% perceived their nails to be stronger.


STUDY 5 - Efficacy on Asian Skin

Evaluation of the efficacy of Collagen Lift Paris on human skin. 

CIDP Pte Ltd. Singapore May 2018


In an 8-week study* conducted in Singapore, the daily use of Collagen Lift® Paris resulted in significant improvements as follows: 

Based on clinical grading, significant improvements were observed from DO to D56 as follows:

  • significant decrease in crow’s feet wrinkles by 53%,

  • cheek folds wrinkles deceased by 34%

  • under eye wrinkles decreased by 29%

  • Primos measurements showed skin roughness reduced by 19.4%

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STUDY 6 - Efficacy of Luminous Gold on facial skin in Chinese population

Evaluation of the efficacy of Collagen Lift Luminous Gold on facial skin after 84 days of use by Chinese population. 

CIDP Pte Ltd. Singapore December 2019


In a 12-week study* conducted in Singapore, the daily use of Collagen Lift Luminous Gold resulted in significant improvements to the facial skin.

Based on clinical grading, significant improvements were observed from DO to D84 as follows:

  • Pigmentation reduced by 41%

  • Significant decrease in glabellar wrinkles by 51%,

  • Nasolabial fold wrinkles deceased by 25%

  • Cheek fold wrinkles decreased by 25%

  • Overall face wrinkles reduced by 34%


Overview of questionnaires

Overall, the product was well received with 85.00% of the subjects reporting their satisfaction with Collagen Lift® Paris Luminous Gold in general. On top of the reported satisfaction with regards to improvements in visibility of wrinkles and pigmentation as well as skin hydration, 55.00% of the subjects were also satisfied with the performance of the product on their hair and nails, and 31.58% were satisfied with the performance of the product on their cellulite (if any). 


Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that consuming Collagen Lift® Paris Luminous Gold daily was considered effective in improving facial wrinkles severity (crow’s feet, glabellar wrinkles and nasolabial fold) localised facial pigmentation and localised facial dermal hydration.

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Collagen Lift Paris Asia Pte Ltd 

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